North Callaway

Thunderbirds go 2-3 at Mexico Duals Tournament


In their second-to-last event of the regular season, the North Callaway boys had a solid day.

On Saturday at the Mexico Duals Tournament, North Callaway won 57-18 against Orchard Farm and 39-27 against St. James before losing its final three duals 54-30 against Father Tolton, 47-32 against Mexico and 43-34 against Sullivan.

The Thunderbirds have only their Senior Night at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday when they will host California and Macks Creek. North Callaway competes in the Class 1 District 3 tournament starting Feb. 21 at Versailles.

Look for the full story in the Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, edition of the Mexico Ledger.

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