Winter Wonderland in Mexico


This year’s “Songs of Christmas” holiday parade was magical and you couldn’t have asked for better weather for a December day. The parade may have taken a different route this year due to the sewer line construction, but no one missed a beat.

Competition for the best holiday parade float was fierce this year with many notable floats and performances; it was almost too close to call.

Welcome to Whoville and congratulations to first place winner, Bucky’s Sit or Get. They won a big plaque trophy and $100. City of Mexico City Hall took home second place for their winter wonderland float complete with sparkling silver Christmas trees and bubbles, of course. They will receive a $75 prize. In third place is Royal Flush who will receive $50. Santa guided his reindeer through the square atop a very unconventional sleigh - his porcelain commode.

Mexico High School marching band led the parade from the intersection at Love and Clark all the way up to Promenade, and down to Jefferson all the way back to Love. Janet’s Dance Studio brought the spirit of the Rockettes to Mexico can-canning their way through the square and the Brass Brothers, hauled by Meyers Truck Service made sure the music never stopped.