Local group will focus on improving health and safety results

By Dennis Sharkey, Editor
Posted 7/5/23

A group of community leaders and concerned citizens met last week at the Mexico Housing Authority Community Room to begin the process of coming up with a community health and safety plan.

The …

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Local group will focus on improving health and safety results


A group of community leaders and concerned citizens met last week at the Mexico Housing Authority Community Room to begin the process of coming up with a community health and safety plan.

The project is being organized by Central Missouri Community Action (CMCA) through funding provided by the Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH). The program is funded for the next two years.

The project got started in May when CMCA held a data walk at the Mexico YMCA to dig into the issues locals want to tackle. What emerged was a focus on healthcare and safety. The group’s first official meeting took place on Tuesday, June 27, with several dozens of people attending. 

Many of the folks who attended the meeting already belong to not-for-profits or organizations that deal with social issues. CMCA’s Director of Research and Data, Melody Vieth, told the room why what they’re getting ready to do is important. Vieth was the moderator for the meeting.

“Is this a duplicate or something I’m already on? How much time is it going to take?” Vieth asked. “We know that there’s already some work being done in this space. We don’t want to duplicate anybody. We want to work together with everyone who’s already involved.”

Vieth also pointed out that there is more to being healthy and access to healthcare beyond a doctor’s office or a pharmacy.

“If you’re not part of a health-focused group it’s okay because it’s not just about health,” Vieth told the group. It’s about access to health which involves transportation, which involves income. It involves a lot of different things.”’

The group will work through a series of meetings that are expected to extend into next spring. The next meeting is already scheduled for July 25 and will look at what already exists locally. The third meeting will get into a deeper discussion about the root causes the community faces followed by a meeting that will start to focus on strategies. Finally, the group will meet to outline and discuss the plan.

The project uses a technique called Results Based Accountability (RBA) and works backward. Last week’s meeting focused on coming up with a goal, which in most plans would be the result. However, with the RBA the results are the endgame and not the goal. It’s different because it starts with an end and works towards results trying to be achieved. Then it works backward toward the strategies.

“It’s so simple that it seems a little complicated at first,” Vieth said.

Vieth said using RBA, “slows down the process” when coming up with plans to attack issues. During the first meeting the group set “Everyone in Audrain County is safe and healthy,” but it wasn’t easy getting those eight words in print.

Attendees broke out into groups to come up with their goal statements. Then in a caucus style attendees gravitated towards the statement they liked best. The process took a few minutes as people debated what they should and shouldn’t say. 

“We’re going to have different processes on how to get there,” Vieth told the group as they worked through it. “And we’re going to be thinking that we’ve reached it at different stages.”

Vieth urged the group to stick with the process all the way through.

“I had to try the whole process before I bought in,” Vieth said. “Now I’m so bought in I’m trying to get other people.”

After the process is complete the group will spend the next year, also funded by the MFH, coming up with a plan of action.

“I’m not asking you to do anything different than what your organization is already doing,” Vieth said. “I’m asking if there’s a way that we can align and focus our efforts so that we can reach this year’s goals together.”